Web Design


Erikson Media designs responsive websites that are fast, functional, and tailored for search engine performance.


We believe websites should be visually appealing, organized, and easy to navigate. Fast-loading, responsive pages that display well on all devices are critical in keeping site visitors engaged.

We understand that a beautiful and attractive design is just not enough… you also need results!

The Importance of Web Design in Online Business

In today’s digital age, having a professional and user-friendly website is crucial for businesses of all sizes. A well-designed website can help a company establish credibility, showcase its products and services, and generate leads and sales. In this article, we will explore the importance of web design in online business and discuss three key reasons why it matters.

  1. First Impressions Matter

Your website is often the first point of contact that potential customers have with your business. As such, it is essential to make a good first impression. A poorly designed website can turn potential customers away and damage your company’s reputation. On the other hand, a well-designed website can help you establish credibility and trust with potential customers.

A good web design should be visually appealing, easy to navigate, and have a clear message. It should also be optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are using their smartphones to access the internet. By investing in a professional web design, you can create a positive first impression and set your business up for success.

  1. User Experience Is Key

User experience (UX) is an essential aspect of web design. It refers to the overall experience that a user has when interacting with your website. A good UX design should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and provide value to the user.

If your website is difficult to navigate or doesn’t provide value to the user, they will quickly leave and look for alternatives. This can result in lost sales and revenue for your business. By investing in a good UX design, you can create a positive user experience that keeps visitors on your website and encourages them to take action.

  1. SEO and Website Performance

Search engine optimization (SEO) and website performance are two key factors that can impact your online business. A well-designed website can help improve your search engine rankings, which can lead to more traffic and sales. Additionally, a good web design can help improve your website’s performance, which can lead to faster load times and a better user experience.

When designing your website, it is important to consider SEO and website performance. This includes things like optimizing images and videos, minimizing the use of plugins, and using clean and efficient code. By investing in a web design that is optimized for SEO and performance, you can improve your online visibility and attract more potential customers to your website.

In conclusion, web design is a crucial aspect of online business. It can help you establish credibility, provide a positive user experience, and improve your search engine rankings and website performance. By investing in a professional web design, you can set your business up for success and achieve your online goals. Whether you are just starting out or looking to refresh your existing website, a good web design is essential for success in today’s digital age.